Project #147: Earth Android N


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Project #147: Earth Android N

drg. Endo Sadewa
Friday, March 11, 2016

Android N developer preview is out. If you have enough new device, you can flash it right now. I would personally do but I don't have any Nexus devices laying around. So I recreate new Android N logo. If you ask me, It's not as cute as Marshmallow is but more I look at it, more I like it. There are bunch new features in N. There is no official name yet and also easter egg is still the same (like marshmallow). I can't really tell you much about it because I didn't try it out myself. If you want learn more there are a lot of videos and articles already on the web.

I want to do normal different colors wallpapers with new N logo but I saw that a lot of people already did that. So I decide to make my new wallpapers a little bit interest. I will probably still make some classical wallpapers in future. I'm really glad that so many people is reading this blog! Thank you a lot and have a great Friday! Back images are from:

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