Omg I can't believe this is happening! Yesterday I reached 300 followers on my Google plus profile. 300 followers! This is amazing! So I decided to create few banners for all of you. And yes I did.
I create first just for myself and I never thought that so many people will like it. After I post it on my Google plus everyone started commenting can you make me one. I thought it would be great gift for 300 followers milestone.
So I decided I will start doing them. And I was working all day to provide a lot of amazing banners. So you can find them all in link below with all .ai files! So you can modify yourself. I think it's amazing gift that I actually like making it. But I think it's over now.
I create a lot of banners and I post almost all of them on Google plus. A lot of people get annoyed and some of them doesn't like them... I totally understand! If you still want new banner you can contact me on hangouts or my mail ( Thank you for you amazing support! I really appreciate it!
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Project #92: Banners
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