I know I didn't post any new really cool wallpapers lately. I'm really busy at the moment and I try to do something else than just wallpapers. I get a lot of new inspiration so be ready for next week! Because I didn't post anything on Friday I decided to upload these new font that I create. I use illustrator for it and it didn't take really long. I get inspired from EXPO logo. Font that I create is really minimalistic and simple!
You can use it in any situations just make sure you tag me! Because I also post the .ai files you can modify and change colors. Even if you change something about it you still need to tag me as creator or owner of the font! Also font is not 100% finished. I find some mistakes and I will need to recreate some of the letters. If you want you can help me by telling me what should I change and witch letter you don't like. You can also modify your self and send me files back! There are also small mistakes like G is not in center... Some of the letters aren't perfect! I need to fix that A!
I will publish new version soon depends how many of you will be interested in! Thank you for your support! And about .ttf file. .ttf file won't be available until I fix all problems of the font! For now you can modify and use it as your profile pic of banner! I will do few banners for my followers on g+ if you will be interested in them! Thank you for your support! Have a nice day!
Download here: https://goo.gl/PEmYnj (.ai files and letters)
Download here: https://goo.gl/PEmYnj (.ai files and letters)
Download here: https://goo.gl/PEmYnj (.ai files and letters)